Lost & Found
Please fill out the form below to describe the item or animal you have lost or found. Deer Creek staff will make an effort to put the right people in contact with each other to rectify the situation. However, it is strongly recommended that any resident trying to locate a lost item or animal check back with the Lost & Found section of the Deer Creek Homeowners’ Association website regularly to see if your item has been reported as found. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Do You Have Your Deer Creek Access Card?
If you are new to Deer Creek and do not have a keycard, please make arrangements to stop by the Deer Creek Information Center.
How to Get a Keycard
Homeowners must provide proof of residency, valid photo identification and complete a registration form and amenity usage agreement before a keycard will be issued. Keycards are available for pickup at the Deer Creek Information Center, Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Homeowners who have keycards must continue to pay homeowner’s dues in a timely manner to keep the cards valid. Only homeowners with valid cards will be granted access to the Deer Creek amenities.
If You Lose Your Keycard
The keycard system provides added security to the amenities while providing a log of when a homeowner enters and exits the amenities. If you lose a keycard, please report the lost card to the Information Center as soon as possible so that the card can be disabled. Lost keycards that are reported to the Information Center will be deactivated to insure that those keycards are not utilized by someone other than the member who was assigned the card(s). Replacement cards are issued at a cost of $10.00 per card.
If You Find a Keycard
If you have found a keycard, please return it to the Information Center so we may return it to its owner.