Frequently Asked Questions
What company is responsible for security at Deer Creek?
Deer Creek contracts with DSI Security Services to keep your family safe by providing security services.
DSI Security Services has been providing dependable and competent security service for more than forty years. Family owned and operated, DSI has a reputation for strong performance, management response and solid professionalism.
To contact security at Deer Creek, call 296-9606.
In addition to DSI Security Services, Deer Creek has an active Neighborhood Watch program that educates participants in the principles of deterrence, delay and detection.
Is there a Homeowners’ Association?
Is it mandatory that all homeowners be members of the Deer Creek Homeowners’ Association?
What is the Homeowners’ Association membership dues amount?
There is a one-time initiation assessment that each new homeowner and each new renter pay upon closing. The amount for the one-time initiation assessment fee as of October 16, 2007 is $185.00.
The Deer Creek Homeowners’ Association dues are paid semi-annual in January and July. The semi-annual dues are $377.41 which equals $754.82 per year and/or $62.90 per month.
Can and/or will the dues increase?
The dues are assessed so that the Association can pay for the maintenance and continuance of the community amenities such as the landscaping, the security service, the Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Tennis Courts, Fitness Trail, Fountains, Common area green space, etc. The dues may increase as much as 10% per year without the unanimous consent of the Homeowners’ Association. The budget is reviewed annually and upon review of the budget, the dues amount is determined. For more detailed information regarding association dues may be found in the Bylaws for the Deer Creek Homeowners’ Association, Inc. in Article VIII.
What are the rules of the Association?
We have a booklet that is a complete copy of the recorded By-laws. It is important that these By-Laws set up the organization and enforcement of the Association; and that the recorded covenants, conditions and restrictions on the face of the neighborhood plat address issues such as minimum square footage, use of satellite dishes, etc. We do have available copies of the Architectural Review Guidelines if they would like a copy. If they are interested in a copy of the rules concerning the use of the Clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis courts, etc. We may also provide them with a copy of these. If they would like a copy of the covenants and restrictions for a particular neighborhood, we can provide them with a copy. Please get their contact information and a copy will be sent to them.
Homeowners may also find important documents on the Deer Creek HOA website,
Does Deer Creek have any houses for lease?
Please refer the individual to Aronov Homes (274-0048) and Lowder New Homes (277-8976). We do not lease or sell houses from this office, however, the agents may know of individuals within the community who are willing to lease their homes.
Do I have to get Architectural Review Committee approval before adding additional landscaping to my home?
Yes, please complete an Architectural Review Committee Application before starting any work. (ARC Application form pdf link here.) For all other information, please refer to the Architectural Review Committee Guidelines (pdf link here). Any exterior addition to their home should be approved by the ARC including, but not limited to, fencing, landscaping, basketball posts, etc. The intent of the guidelines is to assure each builder and homeowner that Deer Creek will be developed and constructed as a community of quality homes, buildings, and landscaping that are tasteful and aesthetically pleasing architectural design; that are harmonious with surrounding structures and topography; and that have landscaping and other site improvements consistent with aesthetic quality of Deer Creek as a whole. A copy of the Deer Creek Architectural Review Committee Guidelines may be found at the Deer Creek Homeowners’ Association website at
What other items must be approved by the ARC?
Prior to installation, all play equipment must be approved by the ARC, this includes basketball goals. Arbors, fences, pools, storage buildings, additions, covered patios and any other such additions or improvements must be approved by the ARC, prior to installation. Landscaping improvements and/or lawn furniture and accessories must be approved by the ARC, prior to installation. Location of satellite dishes must be approved by the ARC, prior to installation. The ARC will either approve or deny the application within 3-7 days of submittal. Remember: Any exterior addition MUST be approved PRIOR to installation.
What are the hours of the fitness center?
The fitness center is open 24 hours a day/7days per week. Access is available with the use of an access card.
What if my access card doesn’t work?
Homeowners should notify the Information Center when an access card is not functioning. The system automatically suspends access cards if the homeowner has an outstanding balance. You can review the A/R sheet and if the homeowner has an outstanding balance they can pay and you can activate the card. The A/R sheet may be found on the computer on the shared drive under the folder HOA receivables. Open the most recent file date to find the most recent A/R sheet. If the homeowner does not have an outstanding balance and the card is still not working, please check in the Secure Perfect program and troubleshoot. You may need to issue a new card if the current card is non-functioning.
Who do I report a non-working street light to?
Please notify the Information Center of the exact location of any street lights that you see out or broken. If a representative is not available to take your call, please leave a detailed message.
When is the pool open?
Seasonal schedule traditionally opens in May and closes in early September.
How do I put my house up for sale? Do I need a special sign?
Please contact the Information Center at (334) 270-3337 for the ‘For Rent/Sale Sign’ specification. The homeowner can have the sign made at any sign company. The colors, size and design must be as on the attached or the sign will not be allowed to be put in the yard. Homemade signs, of any nature, are not allowed in Deer Creek.
Open house signage is subject to approval of the ARC. Open house signage will be allowed from Friday at 5:00 p.m. and must be removed by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday.
What is the role of my neighborhood representative?
The neighborhood representative serves as a liaison between the members of the Association in their neighborhoods and the Officers and Directors of the Association. Contact neighborhood representatives with questions, concerns, or ideas about the neighborhood.